Wey Valley Academy

Art & Design

Art & Design Teaching Staff

  • Mr J Grummett – Photography – Curriculum Leader
  • Mrs A Moore – Art
  • Miss V Woods – Art and Graphics

Why Art & Design is important

The moral educational purpose of the art, craft & design curriculum is for self-expression through skills and creativity, to understand the world and the impact of art, craft and design on culture. We believe that the subject of art, craft and design teaches students to be aware of the world, their place within it, and develop a sense of adventure, curiosity and creativity that will ultimately enrich their lives and empower the student to become a well-rounded individual.

Teaching and Learning in the Art & Design

We hope to engage and shape young independent, skilful, creative, imaginative and thoughtful artists, with aspirations for GCSE and beyond. We hope to open the students’ eyes in discovering things around them and further afield, fostering an inquisitive nature for creativity. We believe in taking lessons outside of the classroom where possible to engage with artists, projects, colleges and universities. Sharing a passion for the arts amongst our students is at the heart of what we do, inspiring future generations of young artists.

Students are helped to develop an understanding for art & design and apply key concepts. They are shown how to develop practical skills and understand formal elements in art & design. Students are expected to apply independent thinking and problem solving in responding to artistic briefs and starting points. Our aim is to give them the opportunities to understand the world through art & culture.

Key Stage 3

Through a well-structured curriculum, students are taught the basics of art concepts and skills. The students explore materials such as print, collage, paint and clay as well as the formal elements in drawing. They are taught how to use a sketchbook for recording their work and how to respond to other artists. The skills and ideas taught in year 7 are developed in year 8 and then refined in year 9. The course is delivered as projects which are constantly reviewed and adapted to consider current trends in art education and world events. In year 9, students follow a programme of study which explores Art, Graphic Design, Photography, and Textile Art, which leads into the GCSE option choices.

Key Stage 4

Students may select to take one of four option choices in the visual arts, either Fine Art, Graphics, Photography, or Textile Art for GCSE. They will then study for a two-year course that is project-based and teaches the four assessment objectives needed to pass the course. The first of these objectives is to learn about artists and designers and respond to their work. The second is to develop skills in their chosen medium through exploring ideas and materials. The third objective is to record ideas and practical work in a sketchbook, which involves annotation and drawing. The final objective is to create personal and meaningful outcomes from their exploration work.

Exam Specifications

Our chosen exam board is AQA, 60% of the grade comes from coursework and 40% is a practical exam within a set project.

Click to view GCSE specification – Art & Design