Wey Valley Academy

Curriculum Overview

At Wey Valley Academy we have a reading rich curriculum that blends traditional academic subjects with the vocational opportunities that Weymouth excels in – business, catering, enterprise and entertainment.  Across their five years students study the full National Curriculum enriched with extra-curricular opportunities to complement their academic education.

This is an exciting time in our curriculum development across both Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 enhancing our broad and balanced curriculum offer to support our students achieve their aspirations. Our Key Stage 4 qualifications are completed in two years. Students are prepared for their GCSEs with core subjects and a broad range of option subjects available to meet their personal skills and preferences. A mastery approach ensuring students know more and can do more permeates the curriculum across Key Stage 3 (years 7-9 inclusive). Teaching of the core subjects is very much a five-year journey with the aim of fostering a love of language, literature and mathematical and scientific discovery.

Reading is key to the success of students, in education and in life. Students who are highly literate have the tools at their disposal to access any professional, academic or vocational sphere. A comprehensive reading strategy is embedded into the school with programmes and activities to support students of all abilities. Direct Instruction is used to support those who need to accelerate their reading ability, whilst DEAR and Reading Plus are used widely to enhance the reading experience of all students.

The Academy invests in the currency, character and culture of all our students. A strong pastoral ethos helps to nurture and support our students and is underpinned by our core values of inclusivity, integrity, openness, democracy and honesty. We have the highest expectations, hopes, dreams and ambitions for their academic success. We will provide the cultural capital to ensure our students are equipped to flourish as British Citizens in the twenty-first century.

Our high expectations of students are evident in everything we do. We aim to ensure that each pupil reaches their potential by securing outstanding achievement, high standards of social skills and improved life chances.


Remote Education

An online programme would be provided in this location in the event of remote education being required for more than a week.