Wey Valley Academy

Activate host Dance workshops At Weymouth College

A range of Year 9 and 10 students were involved in some professional dance sessions at Weymouth College . The company 'Activate' hosted the workshops which in the morning consisted of contemporary dance with choreographer Emily Thompson-Smith.

Furthermore, in the afternoon, the session involved the genre of Hip-hop with dancer Charlotte Fernandez. Both workshops really did inspire our students who are studying the performing arts at GCSE level. The day finished with Michaela Shaw , Lecturer at Weymouth College, discussing post-16 options with the group .

A Year 10 student said 'today has really inspired me to want to study at Weymouth College - the atmosphere was conducive to learning '. Mark Damon Chutter, Head of Performing Arts, said 'my thanks to Weymouth College for this experience and for exploring post-16 options with our students - this is an excellent partnership opportunity'.