Wey Valley Academy

BBC Antiques Roadshow expert Talk To Students

Pupils at Wey Valley Academy were delighted to be given a careers talk by BBC Antiques Roadshow expert Paul Atterbury on Friday. Atterbury has been a professional on the television programme for many years .The talk was introduced by Year 8 student, Ava Chase.

During the session, which consisted if an interview with Head of Performing Arts, Mark Damon Chutter, Atterbury said ‘ when I was your age I wasn’t sure of my career pathway but I ended up being intrigued by Art History and then the provenance of objects ‘. He said ‘ you must choose a particular career and then you might realise that this is not right for you and then move forward’.

In the audience, Year 10 History students were intrigued by the evidence surrounding objects and the documentation and provenance. Atterbury said ‘ the history and the story of an object is key to unlocking its value’. One student said of the session ‘ I have been inspired today to consider my future career choices ‘. Mark Damon Chutter, Head of Performing Arts, said ‘ my thanks to Paul Atterbury for such as aspirational talk’. The talk was recorded and streamed across all academies within Authentic Education.