Wey Valley Academy

Ofsted and Performance Information

Ofsted is the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills. They inspect services providing education and skills for learners of all ages. They also inspect and regulate services that care for children and young people.

Wey Valley Academy - Ofsted Report

School Performance Benchmarking Tables

Wey Valley Academy Performance Data

Measure 2023 2019
Progress 8 -0.46 -0.8
Attainment 8 36.03 35.6
Basics EM 4+ 53% 47%
Basics EM 5+ 31% 21%
English P8 / A8 -0.24 / 8.45 -0.8 / 7.9
Maths P8 / A8 -0.24 / 7.39 -0.7 / 7.1
Ebacc P8 -0.68 -0.7
Open Bucket P8 -0.6 -1.1
HPA -0.92 -1.3
MPA -0.42 -0.74
LPA -0.48 -0.51
Disadvantaged -1.18 -1.61